Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life's a bowl of "Idols" (what's with the cherries?)

Idols come in all different shapes and sizes. Cherries are not my idol, but "freebies" have been recently. These cherries were I've been dedicating my time into figuring out the coupon world and how to score "free" things (and use up the 6+ cartons of cherries I received free).

I've learned that TRULY nothing in life is free (except Christ). I'm telling you this with a substantial bone to my back, since I have enough "freebies" to almost fill a big 18 gal. Tub. So, trust me darling(suave Italian accent), I know what getting free looks like. And through my eyes, it's a lot of time, mind wrestling(constantly thinking about bargains-it can consume you), and shopping! If you hate shopping, it's so not for you, although you can still get bargains at your main stores, but hitting all of them will be torturous.

A little "History 101"-about me and shopping. I used to LOVE it. So much so that NO one would go with me. I ran ALL my friends and family ragged when they accompanied me on a shopping rave. Haha, I could spend like ALL day shopping, literally, until I dropped, and the funny thing is, I hardly bought a thing.

Point being, the last few days I've been hearing, reading, and feeling(H.S. in me) that I need to STOP (drop and roll) the crazy, madness of freebies. I need to re-focus my thoughts on Christ. America is grossly obsessed with money and possessions. I've said before I wouldn't fall into storing up treasures on earth. I really still strive to LIVE that verse out, but recently my obsession with saving the family money has been overboard. The last 2 days I've actually let it's so NICE! I've been taking time to enjoy my kids and play with them more than I have been. I read a blog from Raising Homemakers. about "spending time with your kids" that really encouraged me and gave me a pat on the back for making the right choice.

Do you have any idols? things replacing God in your life? it could be a friend, the computer, a tv show, even your adoring husband(been there)...let it go...and be encouraged by a Faithful Lover. Christ is So worth being #1.

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