Friday, March 5, 2010

V-value "Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity Book"

I LOVE far so good. I am amazed at how God is the sweetest heart in the whole world... Recently, I clicked on an Amazon link in my e-mail to look at some make-up book or something. I was browsing for awhile and stumbled across Beth Moore's book, So Long Insecurity. I read the sneek peek and felt God tug my heart to buy it. We didn't really have the extra finances for this, but I just knew I was supposed to get it. I tried contacting my hubby to see if it was ok to spend the money, but he didn't get back to me in a reasonable(to me) time. So, I ordered it...thankfully, my husband trusts me and almost never reprimands me when I spend our money. :) I'll have to say that was money well spent!!!

I'm still reading the book, and it's a hard one to put down...because I have 3 kids demanding my attention, I haven't had the full attention I would like to read it. BUT...I'm getting through. I think I just finished chapter 11. There is SO much I'm chewing on. I've had some HUGE insecurities in my life, but I've also had a pretty good head on my shoulders(most of the time, lol). ONLY because of Christ! I gave my life to Jesus at a young age and have seen the wisdom He has worked in me beyond many years of my worldly peers.

BUT, yes, I am still insecure, and I'm trying to battle it out with the Lord's help once again. Thank God it's His work-that's the only way I'm able to survive.

Well, I will let you know how I feel about the book when I'm totally done, but as for now, I'm totally stoked on how God's using it to transform me. :)


Christine Sweet said...

Girl, we've got some things in common! Found your blog via Beth Moore's. Anyway, I'm also going through the book and it's rocking my world. That paired with some pretty intense scripture study I'm on my way to freedom and I think you are too! Awesome! Also, I'm new to my town as well and have no real girlfriends yet to speak of either. Such a bummer! So not that's it's super surprising, but it's nice to know I'm not the only temporary loner out there! :) Anyway, God is on the move and I'm so thrilled to know that I'm not alone in this! Our God is precious and gracious and I am so loving seeing his mercies and power at work in so many women! Welcome to the journey girl. Great to see you here!

Carri Roman said...

Hey you! Funny, I picked it up and then put it down. I think because I was reading a another book at the same time that labeled our insecurities as "idols". I think my insecurities, which can be very consuming, are truly idols of my heart that I need to lay down to the Lord. i haven't read the entire book but I thought there were a few things she said that I thought were unfair. Like the more put together a person seems the more they are insecure.That is a pretty broad generalization. So what do I do but start thinking of those who I think are more put together but that is my issue. :) Glad you are gleening alot from it.

Hmmm.....I wish you were close so we could chat or maybe have a book club. ;) Well I want to right a ton but I thought I would leave a comment. Your kids are sweet.

xoxox CArri

craftykat said...

I've gone through several Beth Moore Bible studies and I appreciate so much how she has allowed God to work through the highs and most definitely LOWS in her life. It's amazing how insecure we can feel- and many people don't even realize it from the outside looking in. I think it's great that you're getting so much out of her book! :)